Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Return

Shocky here-posting too much again, with something probably not realy worth posting but hey, its not like we have anything close to a reputation yet

  Short post here. Now Iv'e finished Cowboy Bebop, and am still trying to get over BSG I have returned to the trek universe for the time being. It was kind of strange, my return, as it was spurred by watching too many of SF Debris reviews and the fact that the internet is obviously very acssesible to me. At first I was thinking of Voyager, but that lasted all of five second, as there isnt much to think about in that show

My thoughts:"Oh hey the Doctor. I love the Doctor.He's the best. I could ednlessly watch him. Oh wait he isnt featured prominenetly in every episode......OH FRAK ITS NEELIX!"
I don't remember what review it was, but an article before the show was aired was brought up comparing Neelix to the alien DS9 chaarcters. As equals. My favourite characters on DS9. Neelix. No.Just no.

  Anyhoo, so I decided to first adjust into the trek universe again, Id start with Voyager as I cared less about it and I didnt really have to pay any attention yet still could enjoy it. Halfway through the episode, which unfortunately focused on Neelix(no one likes him. but Wesley Crusher is still worse in my books)
I was half asleep and suddenly came to my senses, wondering why the frak I was watching this crap when I wasnted to watch DS9.

Why did I just use that word?

In other words, my plan worked.

  I found, after returning to the show midway throguh season four that I did love this show. Very much. I was surprisingly happy to see them all again and return to familiar territory. Even my least favourite characters are far better than Neelix. And that kid from Terra Nova. And possibly Apollo.


    Yup. Theyre both fairly bland, but Dax doesnt come off as a whiner.
  There are no characters I dont like to some degree, while some could come off irritating,
They don't
(its called a FOIL(try it Voyager(and Terra Nova)))
I must say, conflicting characters = happiness
No annoyances= happiness
No souls crushed yet= happiness
no thoughts of BSG=HAPPINESS
Oh wait this was A RDM show too....


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