Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Terra Nova to be cancelled

Believe it or not the show that Shocky very much despised is set o be cancelled! They ratings were stable but ultimately too low for the cost of actually producing each episode! Nice to know you Terra Nova!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Terra Nova- Proof Review

Shocky Here- Nothing new to say really

        This weeks episode of Terra Nova was similar to the last. I have to say, the show is improving. It not really any good, but its gotten a bit better. Things actually happen. That's always a plus. Again, its all plot and nothing else. The episode follows Protagonist Guy's son and daughter more than him, and for once his daughter gets a bit more attention. She's involved in a plot murderers and an impostor that doesn't really have anything to do with the main plot of the show, is predictable, and nothing really special. We also follow Whiny Brat in his quest to steal medicine for sixers so they can use their connections to bring his girlfriend to Terra Nova. This part, is a bit better, although they could have done  alot More with it. Of course he gets caught in the end, I hope he finally gets punished for being an idiot. Along with this, we have The Commander Person(I seriously can never remember  these character's names) in the jungle with that guy who got banished in that other episode. He is trying to get him to be a spy for them, offering to let him back into Terra Nova if he can find who is beinging information to the Sixers, which is actually an okay idea. Of course it could always backfire though. I'd like that.
 The problem with this show, is that its bland, so writing about it, is as interesting as watching it. Hopefully the next one is terrible. Just for fun.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Terra Nova -Nightfall Review

Shocky Here- Another Review!

      This is going to be short. Compared to other episodes of Terra Nova so far, this one is decent. It isn't horribly corny, or horribly stupid by my standards. Its a basic plot but instead of focusing on one or two characters, it has about 5 different plots were following. None of this is insanely interesting, but hey, something is happening right? That was a plus. Unfortunately, none of these plots all tie into one another like a good show would do, but hey, they're about flat characters and they aren't about anything as it is, what did you expect.
    This would be that one unmemorable episode on another show, but for this show, its the Best they can do. Nothing really happens in the whole show, all is bland, until the end where Taylor's son shows up(who hates his father.(by the way, did I mention that we have NEVER SEEN THAT BEFORE) A bit of a waste of the episode because only the part involving the sixers is really anything significant to me. I should also note that our main character guy is a horrible father. He could have just waited for people to look for him there, it not like he was in there for days, instead of putting his daughter in a potentially dangerous situation. Also:This show attempts to be funny!It is! Because its so bad!
     That's really all I can say.

Friday, November 4, 2011

How to Make a Good Science Fiction Show

Shocky here- with an amazing LIST!!!

       Sorry, I forgot the 1.

       As someone who has watched some varieties of sci-fi television and movies, has read reviews on sci-fi television and movies and generally takes an interest in them(I am the sci-fi of the trio, after all) and I think, after some thought, I know what you need to do, to make a good one. In no particular order here are 10 steps to making a good sci-fi show.

1. Have a Goal.

   Seriously, you have to know what you're doing. You can't make something great if you don't know what you're making. You'll need a concept, which is usually what gives a show its sci-fi name. You'll also need to know what its actually about. Not aliens. Not dinosaurs. Saying your show is about "Super powered Guinea pigs that explore space in a spaceship shaped like a pineapple" does not count. There needs to be themes, and issues the show deals with. Without this, the show won't work.

2. Hire the Right People

     Don't get a scriptwriter known for making bad kiddie movies when you want "Super Guinea Pigs in SPACE" to be dark and edgy.

3.  PLAN

     Writing by the seat of your pants can work, for a while. But once you get to the ending, your twisty plot may disappoint some. You have to actually plan what going to happen in your plot, if the show is plot driven. If its episodic, don't worry too much. Every mystery you have must have a conclusion. However, planning too far ahead can be restricting. If the guinea pigs HAVE to get to the Hamtaro system by going through the sunflower seed belt and past the aliens of Sparkliness for the plot to work, it may be a problem when you find you want to write about something different when the time comes.

4. Put a focus on characters.

       Whether your story is episodic in nature or serialized, characters are always important. A character driven episode can be just as interesting as another, if your characters are that strong and interesting. Ensemble are good, if you can write them. Hoards of recurring characters too. But if you only want five guinea pig super space rangers to carry your show make sure they're dynamic. And don't forget that a characters interactions and relationships with the others are just as important. Getting a good cast helps this a lot.

5. Make sure it looks good

     Good on a sci-fi means many things. The effects should reflect the tone. If you want puppets, have puppets! If you want CGI go ahead. Sometimes bad effects add to the enjoyment (I'm looking at you, Star Trek) but if the guinea pigs fight with Lizardman needs to be epic, and taken seriously, try as hard for realism. Don't put value on effects over story and plot, just do your best.

6.  Sounds Good

     One of the best things about Firefly was its theme song. The addition of the right music can do so much.

7. And SOUNDS good

   Your show isnt going to last if no one watches it.

So if Super Guinea Pigs in SPACE is written made by Joss Whedon and Ronald D. Moore (this is a show full of SUFFERING and DEATH for sure) and has a recurring character played by Mark Sheppard (because they all do. Seriously.)
TELL THE WORLD. Geeks will come.
No one will come to a show by George Lucas and Brannon Braga with a cast of Justin Beiber and Miley Cyrus will they. Bunch of people geeks hate in a genre that doesn't share a demographic with its stars. This looks awful, obviously, but if you are stuck with this disastrous combination(in which you should give up and die. No one will watch this.) at least don't put those names in the advertisements.

8. Remember your Fans

     I have not watched Caprica. Half the fans seem to think its too soapy. The other think its brilliant. The point is, remember who will be watching this. You should never make a show just to please others, but also not just to please yourself. Guinea Pigs in SPACE! will to attract viewers if the only real drama is when the lead can't decide what to eat for lunch. I'm not saying genre mashups are bad. They can be great, just be sure its not with two totally different things. Yes, there a people who love sci-fi. There are people who love Western There are people who love both. You have three potential demographics! You could even get people outside your range, because some just want good tel vision in general! Unfortunately, People who love sci-fi tend to hate teen drama shows, and vice versa. The problem is teen drama shows have what all call smaller conflicts, teen angst and the like. Sci-fi tends to have larger conflict, involving actual danger. These two do not mix. You don't want The Wesley Crusher Show. An epic space battle, or real moral dilemma makes teen angst look trivial. Firefly works because both Westerns and Sci-fi can have bigger conflicts. Also you can obviously mix the visual and story elements. Sci-fi can mix with many genres, but not all.

9. Aim for the Stars

      You have a great concept. You've got some great ideas. Try as hard as you can to do the most you can. Don't be afraid to push the limits a bit.And if you try something new and different and its doesn't work, its okay. At least you tried. Not all shows have that honour(cough*Terra Nova *cough). It can get you some respect. And if it does work, and keeps working, you've probably got a stellar show on your hand right there. Just keep it that way. Super Guinea Pigs in SPACE! daringly explored issues of flying around the universe such as crappy uniforms, bad food and what living in close quarter with the same for people for a length of time can do to someone. You could win awards.

  Now I want to go into something a bit further here. Sci-fi is generally not a very well liked genre by critics. People consider it silly, shallow or childish. When a sci-fi show, like BSG for example, comes along and manages to be just as great as any of the best normal "drama" shows are and get universal acclaim, people who don't follow the genre start acting strange and finding ways to explain why "silly science fiction" which could "NEVER be taken seriously, all that imagination, and unrealistic stuff and all, hurr hurr, none of its REAL" has risen to such heights. So they don't call ti sci-fi. Its now "not really a sci-fi" or actually a "serious business drama show".
Excuse my language for a second: BULL FRAKKING SHIT.

      YES. Sci-fi CAN be just as good, in fact it ALWAYS has the potential. Just because it explores issues with different and often more CREATIVE methods and asks more questions doesn't make it BELOW "normal" media. Yes sci-fi can be positively horrible, but it can also be brilliant. Denying that its sci-fi is just denying the fact the genre shows are getting better and better, and one day, they'll have to acknowledge this fact. Yes BSG is a drama. And a sc-ifi. The thing is, drama is sorta not really a genre. Well yes, there drama compared to comedy but a trillion different genres can go with drama. Half the shows on air aren't pure drama shows, there's no such thing. There are crime dramas and medical dramas and yes a sci-fi drama. Dramas are practically any shows that doesn't fit under Comedy. Really, all genres start with those two, than split into sci-fi and fantasy and horror and the like. The question is, is something stupid and popcorny like Transformers(Oh, another hated director!) a drama. Yup. If the plot is meant to be taken seriously, its technically an Action- Drama. You don't usually apply it because the drama half isn't much there.  
This is hwy you can't say BSG is a drama. Its just an excuse.

10. Don't Overdo it

    If you have a plot that isn't meant to drag on an on, DON'T. If you have a premise based shows that's getting stale, STOP. If all your cast, or crew are leaving PROBABLY NOT WORTH CONTINUING UNDER THE SAME TITLE. If your show has ran 18 years without any evolution IT IS STALE.
If super guinea pigs in space really only needs 3 seasons to wrap up everything, that's ALL IT NEEDS. The are always spin offs too, just don't clone your show.

and BONUS!

11. Don't be on FOX

    You will not last....

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Terra Nova-Bylaw Review

Shocky Here-And time for another Terra Nova Review

     Ah, Terra Nova. You just keep failing. But you are so fun to mock.
So, I seem to have phased myself away from Star Trek again, and I am now watching Doctor Who(as in the New). I love this show, I must admit, it is a ton of fun, and has some really good stuff so far, although I'm barely halfway through the first season. What I learnt from Doctor Who:
Bananas are a good source of potassium.
Sonic Screwdrivers fix everything.
Why creatures resembling metal garbage cans make good villains
and whole lots of other things.
      Terra Nova on the other hand is AMAZING.
That is, amazing at highlighting why other shows work.
Now I can't compare it to all other shows, but based on what it aims, I can safely say it can be compared to BSG. I have read material that has pointed out the shows aims are to be more than "just sci-fi"
and accomplish actual drama and have good characters and be fairly family friendly.
Of course BSG wasn't family friendly...but otherwise, I think they have similarish goals and could have similar problems.
        Bylaw isn't bad like the few soapy early episodes. it's bad because if completely fails to do anything or be anything. We have the situation of a murder on the settlement, something that has never happened before, and they're questioning what to do. Some dude comes out and confesses, thus, The Commander decides punishment is banishment, without question, but Protagonist dude decides to investigate further because of s something his wife says. Then there some plot about gambling and debts and the like.
         Anyhow, the problem here is it appears to have a situation looking at the moral implications. Should this guy Have a trial?Is banishment a good punishment? The problem is, IT DOESN'T. It goes off on its own way, totally destroying any opportunity for drama or anything actually interesting. I don't know what I'd put there, BUT I WOULDN'T DO THAT.
     When a fifteen year old knows you've done wrong, you fail.

       The second problem besides that they fail at what they're trying to accomplish, is a major flaw in the Taylor character. Here we come round to BSG. See Taylor fails at what a commander person should be. Its not that he makes horrid decisions. And his character doesn't change episode to episode like Janeway. Its flat, sure, because he gets no developments. The major problem is that no one questions him.
At the end of the episode, he mentions that he'll lose no sleep over the decision he made.
That's arrogant.
  The show expects us to immediately trust his decision just because he is a commander, but ti doesn't work that way. It takes More than that for us to have faith. Yeah, we trust Captain Kirk on Star Trek, but that's after we know who he is. We do see him toil over his decisions. Taylor appears to put no thought into it.
We don't trusts him.
And at the same time, we see no one question him. Yes, at one point ti is brought up, then forgotten again.
Frak this show.
One of the great things about BSG was that it didn't takes side. You had the two opposing forces of the military against the civilians. Both sides were treated with respect. The military's decision was always questioned. It also helps that the Admiral was a developed character who DID care about doing  what is right, all while dealing with all the crap and conflicts int he show.

My heart longs for you, good writing.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Once Upon A Time: Episode 1 Review

Well hello, it's finally time to take a whack at this reviewing thing. Jasmine here, and I have just watched the first episode of Once Upon a Time.

This show is about the fairy tale world (you know, your usual Snow White, Pinocchio, etc.) that got sent to the real world (which in this case is Storybrook, Maine) where they have no memory of their past lives and have no happy endings. This was done by the evil stepmother/witch from Snow White who wanted revenge. Snow White and her husband decided to send their daughter to safety (watch and you'll find out why) and proclaimed that she will return on her 28th birthday to save them all.

Unfortunately for the plot I really can't say much else without fear of spoiling it for you. So I recommend that you watch episode one and then tune into the next one.

Sorry for the shortness. We're experiencing scheduling issues here at 2G&O (clever acronym, eh?).

Hope to write to you soon!


Monday, October 17, 2011

Terra Nova-The Runaway Review

Shocky here again- and its time for another reviews, but done slightly differently
I think.

             Compared to the last two episodes of Terra Nova, this one holds up a bit better. The stupid love triangle is gone.Its in fact a lot better than the horrid last episode. A lot.
The biggest good things is that stuff actually happens. The 2 thirds of my fandom's nickname have returned to cause trouble and the bring back the mystery surrounding them first introduced in the pilot.All these are good things.
           Whats still not good of course are the characters and their relationships, and the show isn't nearly as interesting to me as DS9 is at the moment, or even close to the how deeply into BSG I was. It also lacks either's depth. In other words, its still an average, if not below average, series.
             I'd also like to point out how stupid and generic everything is.Everything.
So its time for a short comparison between DS9, BSG, Firefly and Terra Nova, so I can illustrate how the three can be different and good at the same time and Terra Nova can suck. Also because I am a fan so I must gush about them.

Lets first look at this scenario.

Problem: The little runaway girl turns out to be a spy from the Sixers trying to get some locked Case thing in the camp for their leader because she threatened to hurt the little girl's brother. Protagonists are faced with with whether to believe her or not after trusting her before was a mistake and what to do about. So, Jim is dumb and runs off to take things into his own hands, gets captured, but it all turns out ok because of luck anyways. Now obviously well developed characters also aren't this stupid, but the point is how Taylor deals with this.

Terra Nova: Oh, its okay, it all turned out alright. No problem.

DS9: Sisko is a reasonable captain. Since he'll defy starfleet when its required, he'd probably at least thank you for doing what you believed was right, but scolded for not listening. May get some punishment.

BSG: Your going in the brig, no questions asked.

Firefly: This depends. You may get a punch to the face if your just insulting to Mal or you could nearly be airlocked if your an actual threat. However if your so dumb your obviously not a threat.

         See, here's the problem. In all three other shows, there'd be some sort of consequence for not listening to who's in command. In all shows whether what you've done worked or didn't, there's still scolding, or punishment, even if it was right. The problem with this show is THE CHARACTERS NEVER LEARN ANYTHING!
EVER! And I like character development, and these characters NEED development.

I love characters. Half the reason I love these shows is usually characters, if I don't like ANY of them, I'm not going to be interested for long, that's the problem. DS9 has some of the best star trek characters that DO deal with problems. BSG is chock full of characters whom by the end of the show I didn't want to let go. Firefly has some of the most original and fun characters Ive watched on screen that work together so well.

This is my biggest complaint still. These stupid, flat, static characters.

Oh and that dude from the last two episodes, I think he's thespy. Just a hunch.